Just like Indoor Pieces (my last release) Outdoor Pieces features pieces that I have written during my composition studies, and therefore they are not really intended to go together as one work. Either way, I decided to divide the pieces into two albums to make some sort of coherent theme. The quiet, mellow, introverted pieces, in one album and the pieces that had big ensembles, or louder volumes or in any way more extroverted expressions, in another.

I have been looking forward to sharing these pieces with you. They feature so many amazing musicians, and I feel extremely privileged for having had the opportunity to write for them. A big thank you to Trondheim Symphony Orchestra for letting me have two workshops last year. Writing for a professional symphony orchestra was a long lasting dream coming true. Thank you Tiril, for a great cooperation. Under Tusen Augo could not exist without you and your insight in the folk music tradition as well as your help with understanding the hardanger fiddle! Thank you Skui Brass Band for encouraging me to write Sakral and for taking the chance to compete with it at Oslo Brassfestival. And thank you Manger Musikklag for arranging #lydenavunge and giving young composers like me a chance to be heard. I am honored that the piece got to the finals! And last but not least, thank you Eivind Ringstad, Christian Henriksen and Norsjø Kammermusikkfest for the opportunity to write a piece for you at the festival, it was such a joy to work with you! Thank you also to Kulturelt Initiativ and Kenneth Ryland for programming Ekko once again at the opening of Midtåsen Kulturpaviljong, and giving the recording on this album the possibility to exist.


Ekko (2023)

Duration: 04:19

Performed by Eivind Ringstad and Kenneth Ryland

Sakral I & II (2022)

Duration: 02:49 + 05:10

Performed by Manger Musikklag

Under Tusen Augo (2022)

Duration: 07:40

Performed by Tiril Eirunn Einarsdotter

Frostfarger (2022)

Duration: 04:28

Performed by Trondheim Symphony Orchestra

Sheet music: